Space Solar Power Symposium ISDC 2017


NSS ISDC Space Solar Power Symposium. May 25-26, 2017 St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A.

Gary P. Barnhard, Co-Chair

Gary Barnhard – a self-described synergistic technological philanthropist, entrepreneur, and serial venture capitalist now serving as the President & CEO of Xtraordinary Innovative Space Partnerships, Inc. (XISP-Inc) a start-up company focused on International Space Station technology development work as well as Barnhard Associates, LLC, a systems engineering consulting firm and Internet Service Provider ( based in Cabin John, Maryland. He is a robotic space systems engineer whose professional work includes a wide range of robotic, space, and computer systems engineering projects. He received a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park in 1982 combining Aerospace Engineering, Materials Science, with graduate work in science policy, solar physics, and artificial intelligence/knowledge based systems. He served as a Space Systems Engineer and Information Systems Architect for EER Systems, and as a Senior Space Systems Engineer on the Grumman Space Station Systems Engineering and Integration Contract (SSEIC) responsible for advanced automation and robotic systems support. He was the Executive Secretary of the Space Station Freedom Program Robotics Working Group and received a NASA Group Achievement Award for the Robotic Systems Integration Standards Interface Design Review Team, as well as an Outstanding Support Award from the Canadian Space Agency Space Station Freedom Program Liaison Office. He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and a life member of the National Space Society.

John C. Mankins, Co-Chair

John C. Mankins, President of Mankins Space Technology is an internationally recognized leader in space systems and technology innovation, and as a highly effective manager of large-scale technology R&D programs.
Mr. Mankins’ 25-year career at NASA and CalTech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) ranged from flight projects and space mission operations, to systems level innovation and advanced technology research & development management. He is also well known as an innovator in R&D management. For example, building on the original NASA ‘technology readiness level’ (TRL) scale for technology assessment (defined first with 6 or 7 levels in the 1970s), he extended the scale to flight systems and operations in the late 1980s (TRLs 8 and 9), published the first detailed definitions of the TRLs in 1995, and promoted the use of the scale by the US Department of Defense in the late 1990s.

Before leaving NASA, Mr. Mankins was the manager of Exploration Systems Research and Technology within the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate with responsibility for an $800M annual budget, involving more than 100 individual projects and over 3,000 personnel. For 10 years, he was the manager of Advanced Concepts Studies at NASA, and the lead for critical studies of space solar power, highly reusable space transportation, affordable human exploration approaches, and other topics. He was the creator or co-creator of numerous novel concepts, including the ‘MagLifter’ electromagnetic launch assist system, the Internet-based NASA ‘Virtual Research Center’ the ‘Solar Clipper’ interplanetary transport vehicle, the ‘SunTower’ space solar power system, the ‘Hybrid Propellant Module’ for in-space refueling, the ‘HabBot’ mobile planetary outpost architecture, the Advanced Technology Life cycle Analysis System (ATLAS), and others. In recognition of his accomplishments, he has received numerous awards and honors, including the prestigious NASA Exceptional Technology Achievement Medal (of which he was the first recipient).

Thursday, May 25 2017 – Space Solar Power Symposium
Grand Ballroom B Morning Session

Bringing the Future Forward, What Can and Are We Doing Now to Retire Real and Perceived Risks

9:00 am Opening Remarks. Gary Barnhard (XISP) and John C. Mankins (Mankins Space Systems)

9:15 am ISS Space-to-Space Power Beaming TD**3 Mission. Gary Barnhard (XISP-Inc)

10:00 am A Path Forward for Space Solar Power SPS-ALPHA Demonstrations to Operations. John C. Mankins (Mankins Space Systems)

10:45 am Technology Opportunities Workshop Discussion

11:30 am Wireless Power/Energy Analysis Tool with User Interface. Corey Bergsrud (Naval Surface Warfare Center)

Thursday, May 25, 2017 – Space Solar Power Symposium
Grand Ballroom B Afternoon Session

Creating the Necessary Confluence of Interests Between Commercial and Other Entities

1:00 pm Space Solar Power – When, Where, Who, Why and How? Darel Preble (Space Solar Power Institute)

1:45 pm Opportunities and Constraints for Wireless Power Transmission. Dr. Seth Potter (Independent Consultant)

2:30 pm Why Addressing Anthropogenic CO2 and Fossil Fuel Energy Insecurity is the Key to Selling Space Solar Power. Mike Snead (Spacefaring Institute)

3:15 pm Creating Opportunities for Cooperation/Collaboration. Dr. Michael Swartwout (St. Louis University)

3:45 pm Space Solar Power Demonstration or Pilot? Thinking Outside the Envelope. Joseph Rauscher (Spacefaring Services)

4:15 pm A WPT Demo Plan to Achieve the Boundary Beyond Goldstone. Feng Hsu (First Sunergy)

4:30 pm On New Developments of Space Solar Power Station (SSPS) of China. Dr. Baoyan Duan (Xidian University)

5:15 pm Space Solar Power Station and Its Key Materials in China. Dr. Changhcun Ge (Beijing University of Science and Technology)

Friday, May 26, 2017 – Space Solar Power Symposium
Grand Ballroom B Morning Session

Technical & Economic Challenges of Infrastructure TD3

10:00 am Next Steps In Modular Design. Dr. Paul Jaffe (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)

10:45 am U.N. Sustainability Goals & the Cislunar Marketplace. David Dunlop (Space Development Foundation)

11:15 am Critical Path Technology & Project Orchestration.  Group discussion facilitated by John Mankins and Gary Barnhard.

Friday, May 26, 2017 – Space Solar Power Symposium
Grand Ballroom B Afternoon Session

2:00 pm Lunar Power & Light Company — Orchestrating the Technology Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (TD**3) Missions needed to foster electrical utilities for Cislunar space. Gary Barnhard, Brad Blair & Daniel Faber (XISP-Inc)

In-Space Power Forecast for Lunar Power & Light Brad Blair (New Space Analytics, LLC)

Space Solar Power International Student Competition

2:45 pm Space Solar Power International Student Competition Introduction. John C. Mankins (Mankins Space Systems)

3:00 pm Space Solar Power International Student Competition Presentations.

Presentation 1: Impact of Emerging PV Technologies on SSP Viability (US, AUT)

Presentation 2: Comparative Study of Power Generation Methods for Mars Mission: Potential of Space Solar Power (SSP) System (US, AUT)

Presentation 3: The Feasibility of Space Solar Power for Forward Operating Bases (US, AUT)

Presentation 4: SACULA Project (Japan)

Presentation 5: SPS-ALPHA – IUPUI JAGS (US, IUPUI)

Presentation 6 (SKYPE): Orbital station keeping control for SPS-ALPHA via electric propulsion and solar pressure (China, Dalian / DUT)

Presentation 7 (SKYPE): Flexible Adjustment Model for SPS-ALPHA: Optical Solution (China, Harbin / HIT)

5:30 pm Charting the Path Forward, Fostering Cooperation, Collaboration, and Competition. John C. Mankins (Mankins Space Systems)